This is an ideal beginners class or a refresher course for learners who have been away from working in wood for a while. You will build a dovetail tool tray and a traditional wooden mallet whilst learning the following traditional and heritage skills:
Joints covered (how to set out/cut/fit):
– mortice and tenon
– haunched mortice and tenon
– stopped mortice and tenon
When put together, these 3 joints create an “E” frame.
– mitred half lap
– corner half lap
– tee halving
– dovetail halving
When put together, these 4 joints create an “A” frame.
– franked mortice and tenon
– long and short haunched mortice and tenon
Tools used (including but not limited to):
– Tenon saw
– dovetail saw
– gent saw
– coping saw
– mortice gauge
– marking gauge
– set square
– combination square
– sliding bevel
– selection of planes and chisels
– sharpening chisels and plane blades
To register your interest or apply for a place, please use our online form here
College certificate
- Interest in woodworking
- No prior experience necessary
You will need to bring:
- Steel toe-capped boots (to be worn at all times while on course)
- H or 2H pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser/rubber
- Pens/pencils
- Notebook/paper
Kennard Road Site
Class timings are 10am-3pm
Dates TBC.
- 10 day Saturday Course is £900. Please apply via website to register your interest and we will contact you with further details
- N/A (college certification only)
- Opportunity to gain material for portfolio or develop your experience in design
- Other woodworking courses at the college including our full time and part time diploma courses